Description: *Bold Text*Internal memorandum to all citizen employees of Stellar Firma Ltd.*Bold Text* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- _Italic_Message reads_Italic_ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hey gang! Just a quick smidge of a reminder that it is actually +Underlined+mandatory+Underlined+ for everyone to take advantage of the many, many forms of merchandising currently offered by our benevolent employer Stellar Firma Ltd. Company policy is quite clear on this, so if you could all just go ahead and get on board with the program that would be... Stellar! Chow for now darlings! ---------------------------
Description: Extract from MAG 42 - Case #0131103 - "Grifter's Bone is an urban legend surrounding Alfred Grifter, rumored to be a mediocre musician hungering for fame who eventually turned to the Devil, but messed up the ritual, thus cursing his music to be so awful that he (and possibly his band) have to sneak their way into other bands' concerts for a chance to perform. A common saying among the music business is that "You can always tell Grifter's Bone has been on because of the torn off ears." They are commonly used by music scene old timers to jokingly refer to bad music in general." Artwork by Jessie Weirich.
Description: Extract from MAG 42 - Case #0131103 - "Grifter's Bone is an urban legend surrounding Alfred Grifter, rumored to be a mediocre musician hungering for fame who eventually turned to the Devil, but messed up the ritual, thus cursing his music to be so awful that he (and possibly his band) have to sneak their way into other bands' concerts for a chance to perform. A common saying among the music business is that "You can always tell Grifter's Bone has been on because of the torn off ears." They are commonly used by music scene old timers to jokingly refer to bad music in general." Artwork by Jessie Weirich.